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Provides a simple object model for JSON, a parser, a printer, and visitors.

Note: The history of this assembly goes all the way back 2009, before Newtonsoft.Json became the de facto standard for JSON serialization on .NET. It also predates the System.Text.Json library in the BCL.


The heart of the JSON library is an object model around JSON expressions, with Expression being the base class. The type also provides factories for the following:

  • ConstantExpression Null() - A JSON constant expression representing null.
  • ConstantExpression Boolean(bool) - A JSON constant expression representing true or false.
  • ConstantExpression String(string) - A JSON constant expression representing a string literal, e.g. "foo".
  • ConstantExpression Number(string) - A JSON constant expression representing a numeric value, e.g. 3.14.
  • ArrayExpression Array(IEnumerable<Expression>) - A JSON array expression with the given child nodes (supporting various overloads).
  • ObjectExpression Object(IDictionary<string, Expression>) - A JSON object expression with the given members.

The Expression class also provides support to parse JSON using a Parse(string) method, and a way to print JSON using a ToString() and ToString(StringBuilder) method.


The ExpressionVisitor base class can be used to visit the nodes of a JSON expression. An ExpressionVisitor<T> variant exists that can be used to convert a JSON expression to another object model.

Note: Visitors are used by other parts of Nuqleon to traverse a JSON expression.


This namespace provides rudimentary support to JSON serialization and deserialization for .NET objects, including support for:

  • Primitive types such as int, string, bool, etc.
  • Array types with a single dimension, as well as IList implementations.
  • Objects either by implementing IDictionary<string, object> or by reflection over properties or fields.

Note: This implementation is legacy (going back to 2009) but has been retained for compatibility in certain parts of the Nuqleon stack and services built on top. More flexible and performant options for serialization exist, either in the Nuqleon.Json.Serialization library, Newtonsoft.Json, or System.Text.Json. New code should consider to use any of these.