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Provides optimizers for LINQ query expressions.


A central type in this library is QueryTree which represents a node in a query expression. It differentiates between known query operators (for which optimizations can be applied) versus opaque nodes representing other operators. For example, a node whose QueryNodeType is set to QueryNodeType.Operator represents a known query operator. Such a node will have a QueryOperator derived type which further has a OperatorType to differentiate between different known query operators such as Where, Select, First, Take, etc.

Note: This list of known query operators is limited but can easily be extended. Query operators that are currently recognized are useful to apply optimizations for.

In order to analyze or rewrite query trees, various visitor types are provided, such as QueryVisitor and the generic variant QueryVisitor<TQueryTree, TMonadMember, TQueryOperator>. For details, please refer to the code.


In order to use QueryTree expressions, one performs a conversion from an expression tree that represents a LINQ query expression using well-known methods such as Enumerable.* or Queryable.*. These conversions are provided through helper types such as EnumerableToQueryTreeConverter and QueryableToQueryTreeConverter.

Note: Because the semantics of query operators in this library is identical between IEnumerable<T> and IObservable<T>, it is trivial to write converters for the IObservable<T> set of query operators as well. This library refrains from this in order to limit the number of dependencies on external libraries, in this case Rx. However, a separate assembly can be built (and has in fact been built for both classic Rx as well as Nuqleon query algebra methods), which brings in this dependency at a higher layer. Furthermore, converters can be built that operate on a normal form (e.g. Invoke(Parameter, args) where the Parameter node is an unbound variable referencing a query operator, as is done in Nuqleon).

For example:

IQueryable<int> query = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }.AsQueryable()
                                             .Where(x => x % 2 == 0)
                                             .Where(x => x < 10)
                                             .Select(x => x * x)
                                             .Select(y => y + 1)
Expression expr = query.Expression;
QueryTree queryTree = new QueryableToQueryTreeConverter().Convert(expr);


Once a query tree has been obtained, optimizations can be applied. This library provides a number of optimizers, including:

  • CoalescingOptimizer to coalesce adjacent nodes, e.g. xs.Where(f).Where(g) becomes xs.Where(x => f(x) && g(x)).
  • LetCoalescingOptimizr to coalesce transparent identifiers introduced by let clauses (which reduces allocations).

More optimizers can be built given the extensible nature of the library; all of the above implement IOptimizer which has a single Optimize method:

QueryTree Optimize(QueryTree queryTree);

Furthermore, the Optimizer static class provides a set of operators or combinators to work with optimizers. For example:

  • Then(IOptimizer, IOptimizer) enables chaining of optimizers;
  • FixedPoint(IOptimizer, ...) enables applying an optimizer many times until no further optimization is obtained.

Once an optimizer has been applied, the resulting QueryTree can be converted back to the original domain by using the Reduce method which returns an expression tree. For example:

IOptimizer optimizer = new CoalescingOptimizer();
QueryTree optimized = optimizer.Optimize(queryTree);
Expression optimizedExpr = optimized.Reduce();
IQueryable<int> optimizedQuery = query.Provider.CreateQuery<int>(optimizedExpr);

For the running example, the resulting query will be equivalent to:

new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }.AsQueryable().Where(x => x % 2 == 0 && x < 10).Select(x => x * x + 1).Take(1);