Nuqleon.Collections.Specialized |
Provides specialized collection types. |
Nuqleon.DataModel.CompilerServices |
A set of utilities used to work with Nuqleon data model entity types. |
Nuqleon.DataModel |
An implementation of a structural data model based on the JSON type system of primitives, arrays, and objects. |
Nuqleon.DataModel.Serialization.Binary |
Binary serialization for Nuqleon data model entity values. |
Nuqleon.DataModel.Serialization.Json |
JSON serialization for Nuqleon data model entity values. |
Nuqleon.Documentation |
Contains utilities to read XML documentation for types and members at runtime. |
Nuqleon.IO.StreamSegment |
Provides a type providing a view into a System.IO.Stream . |
Nuqleon.Json.Interop.Newtonsoft |
Provides interoperability with Newtonsoft.Json using JsonReader and JsonWriter implementations. |
Nuqleon.Json |
Provides a simple object model for JSON, a parser, a printer, and visitors. |
Nuqleon.Json.Serialization |
Provides fast JSON serialization for objects using runtime code compilation for specialized parsers and printers. |
Nuqleon.Linq.CompilerServices |
Provides expression tree utilities such as visitors, analyzers, rewriters, evaluators, and more. |
Nuqleon.Linq.CompilerServices.Optimizers |
Provides optimizers for LINQ query expressions. |
Nuqleon.Linq.Expressions.Bonsai.Hashing |
Provides support to hash Bonsai expressions. |
Nuqleon.Linq.Expressions.Bonsai |
Provides a lightweight object model for expression trees with a lightweight representation of reflection. |
Nuqleon.Linq.Expressions.Bonsai.Serialization |
Provides serialization of Bonsai expressions in JSON and binary form. |
Nuqleon.Linq.Expressions.Optimizers |
Provides optimizers for expression trees. |
Nuqleon.Memory |
Provides object pools, function memoization, and caching utilities. |
Nuqleon.Reflection.Virtualization |
Provides interfaces for the .NET reflection APIs, enabling the construction of wrappers, alternative implementations, mocks, etc. One example of a wrapper over reflection is a memoizing cache to speed up expensive reflection operations. |
Nuqleon.Runtime.Remoting.Tasks |
Provides Task<T> -based async support for .NET Remoting including support for cancellation. |
Nuqleon.StringSegment |
Provides a type providing a view into a System.String to avoid allocations when performing string operations, e.g. Substring . |
Nuqleon.Time |
Provides a set of abstractions over notions of time, including clocks and stopwatches. |