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This page lists all of the available packages released under the Reaqtor project.

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Reaqtor libraries are used to build reliable, distributed, and embedded reactive event processing services.

Reaqtor Description
Reaqtor.Client.Core # Provides base classes and utilities for building clients of reactive event processing services.
Reaqtor.Client.Model # Provides interfaces used by clients of reactive event processing services.
Reaqtor.Client # Provides abstractions used by clients of reactive event processing services.
Reaqtor.Engine.Contracts # Provides a set of interfaces used to host query engines in reactive event processing services.
Reaqtor.Expressions.Binding # Provides a set of utilities to perform binding of artifacts in reactive expressions.
Reaqtor.Expressions.Core # Provides base classes and utilities to represent quoted reactive artifacts.
Reaqtor.Expressions.Model # Provides interfaces to represent quoted reactive artifacts.
Reaqtor.Hosting.Service # Provides a set of helpers to implement Reaqtor services.
Reaqtor.Hosting.Shared # Provides a set of helpers to implement Reaqtor services and clients.
Reaqtor.Local.Core # Provides base classes and utilities for local evaluation of reactive computations.
Reaqtor.Local.Model # Provides interfaces for local evaluation of reactive computations.
Reaqtor.Metadata.Model # Provides a set of interfaces used for metadata discovery of reactive artifacts.
Reaqtor.QueryEngine.Interfaces # Interfaces describing a Reaqtor query engine.
Reaqtor.QueryEngine.KeyValueStore.InMemory # In-memory key/value store implementation for the Reaqtor query engine.
Reaqtor.QueryEngine # Provides a query engine implementation used to host reactive event processing computations with checkpointing support.
Reaqtor.QueryEngine.OperatorLocalStorage # Reaqtor query engine with support for operator local storage.
Reaqtor.QueryEngine.OperatorLocalStorage.Utilities # Utilities used to implement operator local storage.
Reaqtor.QueryEngine.Serialization.DataModel # Implementation of query engine state persistence using the Nuqleon DataModel serialization framework.
Reaqtor.Reactive.HigherOrder # Provides support for higher-order query operators when hosted in a query engine.
Reaqtor.Reliable.Model # Provides variants of Rx interfaces that support reliability for event delivery using sequence numbers.
Reaqtor.Reliable # Provides base classes and utilities to support reliable event delivery using sequence numbers.
Reaqtor.Service.Contracts # Provides a set of interfaces used for the communication between reactive event processing clients and services.
Reaqtor.Service.Core # Provides base classes and utilities for implementing reactive event processing services.
Reaqtor.Service.Model # Provides interfaces used by reactive event processing services.
Reaqtor.Service # Provides abstractions used by implementations of reactive event processing services.
Reaqtor.Shared.Core # Provides base classes and utilities used by reactive event processing services and clients.
Reaqtor.Shared.Model # Provides a common set of interfaces shared by reactive event processing services and clients.


Reaqtive is a set of stand-alone libraries that implement a variant of Rx with additional capabilities such as state persistence and support for hosting in an execution environment.

Reaqtive Description
Reaqtive.Core # Base classes for building query operators in Reaqtive.
Reaqtive.Interfaces # Interfaces for building query operators in Reaqtive.
Reaqtive.Linq # Provides implementations of Rx-style query operators.
Reaqtive.Quotation # Provides support for quotation of reactive artifacts when hosted in a query engine.
Reaqtive.Scheduler # Reaqtive scheduler interface and implementation for managing asynchronous behavior.
Reaqtive.Testing # Provides testing support for reactive operators, using the MSTest unit testing framework.
Reaqtive.TestingFramework # Testing framework for Reaqtive query operators.


Nuqleon provides a set of libraries which are reusable beyond Reaqtor. Many of these libraries have been used to implement other services.

Nuqleon Description
Nuqleon.Collections.Specialized # Provides specialized collection types.
Nuqleon.DataModel.CompilerServices # A set of utilities used to work with Nuqleon data model entity types.
Nuqleon.DataModel # An implementation of a structural data model based on the JSON type system of primitives, arrays, and objects.
Nuqleon.DataModel.Serialization.Binary # Binary serialization for Nuqleon data model entity values.
Nuqleon.DataModel.Serialization.Json # JSON serialization for Nuqleon data model entity values.
Nuqleon.Documentation # Contains utilities to read XML documentation for types and members at runtime.
Nuqleon.IO.StreamSegment # Provides a type providing a view into a System.IO.Stream.
Nuqleon.Json.Interop.Newtonsoft # Provides interoperability with Newtonsoft.Json using JsonReader and JsonWriter implementations.
Nuqleon.Json # Provides a simple object model for JSON, a parser, a printer, and visitors.
Nuqleon.Json.Serialization # Provides fast JSON serialization for objects using runtime code compilation for specialized parsers and printers.
Nuqleon.Linq.CompilerServices # Provides expression tree utilities such as visitors, analyzers, rewriters, evaluators, and more.
Nuqleon.Linq.CompilerServices.Optimizers # Provides optimizers for LINQ query expressions.
Nuqleon.Linq.Expressions.Bonsai.Hashing # Provides support to hash Bonsai expressions.
Nuqleon.Linq.Expressions.Bonsai # Provides a lightweight object model for expression trees with a lightweight representation of reflection.
Nuqleon.Linq.Expressions.Bonsai.Serialization # Provides serialization of Bonsai expressions in JSON and binary form.
Nuqleon.Linq.Expressions.Optimizers # Provides optimizers for expression trees.
Nuqleon.Memory # Provides object pools, function memoization, and caching utilities.
Nuqleon.Reflection.Virtualization # Provides interfaces for the .NET reflection APIs, enabling the construction of wrappers, alternative implementations, mocks, etc. One example of a wrapper over reflection is a memoizing cache to speed up expensive reflection operations.
Nuqleon.Runtime.Remoting.Tasks # Provides Task<T>-based async support for .NET Remoting including support for cancellation.
Nuqleon.StringSegment # Provides a type providing a view into a System.String to avoid allocations when performing string operations, e.g. Substring.
Nuqleon.Time # Provides a set of abstractions over notions of time, including clocks and stopwatches.

Testing Reaqtor

These packages provide facilities to test Reaqtor functionality.

Reaqtor Description
Reaqtor.QueryEngine.Mocks # Mocks for extensibility points in the Reaqtor query engine.
Reaqtor.QueryEngine.ReificationFramework # Reified representations of operations performed by the Reaqtor query engine.
Reaqtor.ReificationFramework # Reified operations for the Reaqtor query operator library.
Reaqtor.ReifiedOperations # Reified operations for Reaqtor interfaces.

Reaqtor Samples

Sample implementations of Reaqtor services using the core libraries.


The shebang libraries provide reference implementations that integrate the Reaqtor, Reaqtive, and Nuqleon core components to build a simple Reaqtor service and client library.

Reaqtor Description
Reaqtor.Shebang.Client # Provides a reference implementation of a Reaqtor client library.
Reaqtor.Shebang.Service # Provides a reference implementation of a Reaqtor service hosting the query engine and the Reaqtive query operators.