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Provides optimizers for expression trees.


The ExpressionOptimizer class is an expression tree visitor that rewrites an expression tree by performing various types of optimizations that can be configured by the user. To create an optimizer instance, the constructor accepts two parameters:

  • ISemanticProvider to specify a semantic provider that's consulted by the optimizer to make optimization decisions;
  • IEvaluatorFactory to control the behavior of partial evaluation of subtrees.

Semantic providers

Semantic providers are used by the optimizer to gather semantic information about expressions, types, members, values, etc. See the ISemanticProvider interface for more information.

While custom implementations of this interface are possible, a good default choice for the semantic provider is DefaultSemanticProvider or MetadataSemanticProvider. The latter is more powerful because it supports specifying semantic information about .NET types and members, for example if a given type is immutable, or if a given member is a pure function. The library comes with various catalogs for commonly used types and members in the .NET Base Class Libraries, which can be used to construct a MetadataSemanticProvider as shown below:

var msp = new MetadataSemanticProvider
    PureMembers = PureMemberCatalog.All,
    ConstParameters = ConstParameterCatalog.All,
    ImmutableTypes = ImmutableTypeCatalog.All

Pure members are used to perform partial evaluation of nodes such as MethodCallExpression, for example Math.Abs(n) where n itself is pure. Constant parameters are required for partial evaluation of a function if any of its parameters has a mutable type but the function doesn't perform any mutation, e.g. string.Split(string, char[]) doesn't mutate the given char[]. Finally, checks for immutable types are used for various checks to ensure a member can't mutate the state of an object, e.g. System.Tuple<T1, T2>.

Evaluator factories

Evaluator factories abstract over the mechanism to perform partial evaluation of an expression tree. The use of custom factories enables caching of compiled delegates, checking whether an expression to be evaluated doesn't have harmful side-effects, etc.

The default implementation is DefaultEvaluatorFactory which can be instantiated as follows:

var eval = new DefaultEvaluatorFactory();

Using an optimizer

Constructing an optimizer is easy, given the semantic provider and the evaluator factory:

var optimizer = new ExpressionOptimizer(msp, eval);

In more advanced scenarios, one can derive from ExpressionOptimizer and override additional methods to control the behavior of the optimizer.

To optimize an expression tree, simply call the Visit method, as shown below:

var three = optimizer.Visit(Expression.Add(Expression.Constant(1), Expression.Constant(2)));

In the sample above, the result of running the optimizer will be a ConstantExpression with value 3.

Types of optimizations

The expression optimizer performs a whole slew of optimizations, mostly driven by algebraic rewrites (e.g. double negation, De Morgan's law, etc.) and partial evaluation of sub-expressions. Such optimizations are often enabled by inlining steps (e.g. originating from beta reduction).

Note: One of the motivating factors for building this optimizer was reduction of expression tree size after applying various rewrites. For example, substituting parameters in a query expression using argument values can result in many constants that can be folded together, with subsequent optimizations applied. The design of having custom semantic providers enables supplying semantic information about functions in other libraries, such as JSON libraries. An an example, consider an expression such as ((ObjectExpression)Json.Expression.Parse(s))["foo"] which can be reduced to a constant if s itself is a constant. If this expression occurs in a high-frequency code path, e.g. the predicate of a Where operator, such optimizations pay off a lot.