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Prototype of partitioned subjects which were implemented in the Nuqleon query engine.


The need for (automatic) partitioning on streams became apparent as high-volume streams were being consumed using simple Where(x => x.Key == value) query clauses for initial filtering. Query rewrite mechanisms have been used across Nuqleon and services based on it, including query execution planning, as well as within query engines (see Nuqleon.Reactive.QueryEngine for more details).

This project was an initial example to illustrate the rewrite from a Where clause to a special type of subject for use within a query engine. It omits the expression tree rewriting steps needed to perform a translation from a Where clause to a key-based subscription to a partition in a subject, but focuses on the PartitionedSubject<T, K> concept underneath.

var sub = new PartitionedSubject<Weather, string>(w => w.City, EqualityComparer<string>.Default);

// Subscribe (takes a key)
var d = sub.Subscribe("Redmond", Observer.Create<Weather>(w => { /* handle events within partition */ }));

// Publish (same as before)
sub.OnNext(new Weather { City = "Redmond" });

In here, the subscription is the result of rewriting a query like:

sub.Where(w => w.City == "Redmond").Subscribe(o)

Query execution planning

Global support for partioned streams, in addition to local support within query engines (to reduce computational code), is built around the following ideas.

First, stream factories can support metadata or operators applied on IAsyncReactiveQubjectFactory-related types in order to express the partitioning intent. This way, a single stream can be created (e.g. contoso://weather), with multiple partition schemes applied to it. Users can still publish into a single stream or subscribe to a single stream in a query expression, but partitions are used under the hood. For example, a weather stream could have partitions expressed as PartitionBy(w => w.City) or PartitionBy(w => w.Region). Having more than one partition results in event publications to the stream being redirected to multiple partitions (i.e. a multicast operation), which can either happen in a service front-end or all the way down in the client, because partition selectors such as w => w.City can be shipped to the publisher (i.e. shipping on Bonsai expressions retrieved from metadata to the event publication front-end service or into the publishing reactive client). That is, given an event of type Weather, all registered partition selectors are applied to the event to get partition keys. These keys are then used to publish to the right partition.

Note: Automatic partitioning can also be achieved using this mechanism by using a consistent hashing of the event payload and a % operation to pick a partition. It's really modeled underneath as a partition selector, and the user does not see it on either the publication or subscription path. This is contrary to having to write contoso://weather_by_city("Seattle") or contoso://weather_partitioned(magic_hash_value).

Multiple types of partitions are possible, including value-based ones (e.g. City equals Seattle), but also range-based ones (e.g. Delay greater than 30s). For range-based partitions, intervals can be specified. For value-based partitions, values in the domain can (optionally) be specified (e.g. when there's a finite set, much like an enum value).

Second, queries written over the stream are normalized in order to reason over binding to partitions. A few examples:

weather.Where(w => w.City == "Seattle")

is the normal form for various ways to express the same intent:

  • "Seattle" == w.City
  • string.Equals(w.City, "Seattle")
  • etc.


weather.Where(w => w.City == "Seattle" && w.Temperature < 20)

gets normalized as

weather.Where(w => w.City == "Seattle")
       .Where(w => w.Temperature < 20)


weather.Where(w => w.City == "Seattle" || w.City == "Bellevue")

gets normalized as

    weather.Where(w => w.City == "Seattle"),
    weather.Where(w => w.City == "Bellevue")

All of these rewrites reveal simpler predicates, which may be equality based or comparison based, which can subsequently be matched against partitions available for the bound weather stream. This partitioning information is retrieved from the stream's metadata.

Note: If a stream happens to be automatically partitioned into N partitions, the same mechanism would figure out that a raw subscription to the entire stream is really performing a subscription to the result of Merge applied to all N underlying partitions. This can further be decomposed into a distributed query plan by pushing down operations over the merge (e.g. Where and Select can be pushed over a Merge to its sources).

Once partitioning information is obtained, rewrites can take place to use specific partitions. For example:

weather.Where(w => w.City == "Seattle")

may be bound as


which is a stream holding values published for the city of Seattle, or even


if the domain of cities was finite and specified upon the creation of the stream (this is more typical for enum-based values).

As an other example, consider a query like:

weather.Where(w => w.Temperature < 20)

which may be bound using range partitions, potentially resulting in residiual filters. Assume that the specified partition ranges are [int.MinValue, 32] and [33, int.MaxValue] (as specified during stream creation). The query rewriter can then turn the query expression into:

weather_by_temp__le_32.Where(w => w.Temperature < 20)

Deciding which partition to bind to is a task of the query planner, which can perform static analysis (e.g. knowing the domain of int and the size of intervals, and similar for other types that are comparable), or consult runtime statistics to know event volumes per partition. This often involves a ranking algorithm to evaluate different possible plans.

Finally, if no predicate is found that enables binding to one or more partitions, it may be possible to generate a Merge between all known partitions, and then perform further query rewriting to avoid having a single query engine that receives all events from all partitions (e.g. by performing predicate pushdown).

Note: Merging all partitions may be something that can be inferred statically if there exists a partition with a finite number of values (or disjoint ranges that union to the whole domain). However, if partition keys are dynamically discovered, this involves the use of a meta-stream to indicate the creation of new partitions upon publication of events with a new unique partition key. For example, if a weather stream just has a City selector of type string, a partition for a city only pops up after the first publication of an event for that city. Meta-streams are then used to indicate the creation of such a partition stream (i.e. an IObservable<Uri> where the Uri represents the unique identifier for the newly created stream; this meta-stream is typically backed by a ReplaySubject so new subscriptions can discover all existing partitions - and receive events for newly added partitions - by subscribing to the meta-stream). To consume all streams, a construction like meta.SelectMany(uri => ctx.GetObservable<T>(uri)) is used, and subsequent query clauses can be pushed down onto the inner lambda. Query planning for SelectMany then can distribute the inner subscriptions (i.e. per-partition queries) across query engines.